Walking the Appalachian Trail in NJ @ Main Library Nearly every thru-hiker I meet tells me how surprised and delighted they are with New…
Coffee with a Cop @ Franklin Drop in to the Franklin branch for coffee, questions, and conversations with members of the…
Saturday Storytime @ Dorothy Henry Can’t make storytime during the week? No worries! Join Miss Savannah at the Dorothy Henry…
Friends of the Library Book Sale @ Sussex-Wantage Follow the signs to the Friends of the Sussex-Wantage Library’s Book Sale! Gently used books…
Bedtime Storytime @ Dorothy Henry Join Miss Savannah at the Dorothy Henry Library on Tuesday evenings for a bedtime storytime!…
Mario Scavenger Hunt @ Louise Childs March 10th is Mario Day! Come to the Louise Childs Library between March 4th –…
Mario Day Scavenger Hunt @ Dorothy Henry MAR10 is Mario Day! Celebrate with us all week long by playing Super Mario Scavenger…
Bedtime Stories @ Dennis Join Miss Alana at the Dennis branch one Wednesday evening a month for a fun…
Homeschool Hangout: Oregon Trail @ Dennis On February 27th, travel back in time to the mid-1800’s and learn how the pioneers…
Origami Workshop @ Sussex-Wantage Challenge yourself with different Origami projects and learn as you go. Instruction and supplies provided.…