Holiday Bonfire + Parade

Downtown Riverhead Riverhead, NY, United States

Frosty temps are no match for Downtown Riverhead’s Annual Holiday Parade + Bonfire. No matter what holidays you celebrate, all are welcome to watch the Riverhead Lions Club kick off the holiday season with their annual parade followed by the Riverhead BID’s annual bonfire. Enjoy free hot chocolate beside the community campfire, keeping you toasty…

Halloween Fest

Downtown Riverhead Riverhead, NY, United States

RAIN DATE OCTOBER 27TH DTR is annually turned into a Halloween hometown during the month of October when streets are lined with goblins, ghouls, tricks and treats. Dress the whole family in costume and join us downtown for the festivities! Check out our Community Calendar for a day-by-day list of Halloween happenings across DTR


Alive on 25 Summer Street Festival

Downtown Riverhead Riverhead, NY, United States

Alive on 25 is a walkable, pop-up summer street festival in Downtown Riverhead offering live music on multiple stages, car show, local craft beverages, outdoor dining, Long Island artists, performers and street vendors. This is where the east end comes ALIVE between Long Island’s Hamptons and North Fork! Fireworks on June 30 at 9pm.

Alive on 25 Summer Street Festival

Downtown Riverhead Riverhead, NY, United States

Alive on 25 is a walkable, pop-up summer street festival in Downtown Riverhead offering live music on multiple stages, car show, local craft beverages, outdoor dining, Long Island artists, performers and street vendors. This is where the east end comes ALIVE between Long Island’s Hamptons and North Fork! Fireworks on June 30 at 9pm.