Homeschool Adventures: Arbor Day Tree Celebration!

(ages 5-12) An early ARBOR Day at the ARBORetum! Homeschoolers- it is time to celebrate the many trees that call the Arboretum home. We will embark on a tree identification hike, discover how scientists track and measure trees, and make a tasty treat from trees. Classes will be held almost entirely outside, even in light…

Homeschool Adventures: May Day Celebration!

(ages 5-12) This week, we will celebrate May Day – the European festival that marks the beginning of summer! We will learn about the many holiday traditions, create our very own flower and leaf crowns, and dance around the maypole. Classes will be held almost entirely outside, even in light rain, so please dress appropriately.…

Homeschool Adventures: Birds in Springtime

(ages 5-12) Spring marks the time when birds migrate from down south and return north! This week, we will learn about some of the common birds during springtime, their bird calls, and grab our binoculars to find some of our feathered friends!   Classes will be held almost entirely outside, even in light rain, so…

Homeschool Adventures: Dirt Detectives

(ages 5-12) For our last Homeschool class, we will get our hands dirty and learn about the many microorganisms and insects in our Arboretum soils. We will discover the world of composting and how you can start your own at home! Classes will be held almost entirely outside, even in light rain, so please dress…