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iLuminate NYC

New World Stages 350 West 50 St, New York

iLuminate gained prominence after being hailed as "The BEST NEW ACT in America!" during their stint on America’s Got Talent in 2011. The group garnered attention through TV appearances, international…

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Gazillion Bubble Show

New World Stages 350 West 50 St, New York

 Gazillion Bubble Show is the most unbubblievable show in the world! Bubble lovers of all ages are delighted with an incredibubble experience, awashed with a bubble tide, and perhaps even…

Winter Scavenger Hunt @ Louise Childs

Louise Childs Branch 21 Stanhope Sparta Rd, Stanhope

Come to the Louise Childs Library from January 4th-18th to find winter themed items hidden around the children’s section! Participants will receive a prize!

Special Program for Home Schooled Students

Bayard Cutting Arboretum 440 Montauk Highway, Great River

Special Program for Home-Schooled Students – 9:30 AM Tuesdays starting June 13, 2023 | 9:30 AM Elementary Education (6-12 years old)   Interested in history and what life was like…

A Little Music for Little Ears @ Franklin (Session 1)

Franklin Branch 103 Main Street, Franklin

Storytime regulars and new friends are welcome for a relaxed music program at the library! Join Ms. Cara for a half hour of music, dancing, and songs; followed by playtime…


Sensory Storytime @ Dennis

Dennis Branch 101 Main Street, Newton

The program has been designed for children of all ages and their families with sensory sensitivities.  Enjoy 20 minutes of stories, music, rhymes, and movement followed by 10 minutes of…


Gardening Tuesdays!

Enhance your gardening skills and plant knowledge by working side by side with the gardeners at Lasdon Park. Tasks include planting, watering, weeding, pruning, staking, deadheading, potting up, and more!…

Toddler and Preschool Snowflake Craft @ Dennis

Dennis Branch 101 Main Street, Newton

On January 16th at 11am, bring the little ones to the Dennis branch to work on fine motor skills while creating a beautiful, one of a kind snowflake! The library…


A Little Music for Little Ears @ Franklin (Session 2)

Franklin Branch 103 Main Street, Franklin

Storytime regulars and new friends are welcome for a relaxed music program at the library! Join Ms. Cara for a half hour of music, dancing, and songs; followed by playtime…


Homeschool STEM Snowflakes @ Louise Childs

Louise Childs Branch 21 Stanhope Sparta Rd, Stanhope

Come to the Louise Childs Library on January 16th for a fun, STEM program to make your own snowflake! All materials will be provided. Glue will be used so please…


Backyard Sugaring @ Muscoot Farm

Did you know that you can make your own maple syrup right in your backyard? Come by to learn about the equipment you will need, identifying sugar maples in all…

Homeschool STEAM Club @ Dorothy Henry

Dorothy Henry Branch 66 Route 94, Vernon

Join Miss Savannah at the Dorothy Henry Library on Tuesday afternoons for an hour of fun and educational STEAM activities! This program is specially designed for our homeschooled patrons looking…

Mah Jongg for Everyone @ Main Library

Main Library 125 Morris Turnpike, Newton

Mah Jongg is complex, compelling and fun! Do you know how to play? Would you like to learn? Players of all levels are invited to the Community Room at Main…

Middle School Cafe @ Dorothy Henry

Dorothy Henry Branch 66 Route 94, Vernon

Middle School can be demanding on kids. The Dorothy Henry Library invites kids ages 11-13 to stop by the community room after school on Mondays and/or Tuesdays from 3:45-4:45 to…

Be-TWEEN the Pages Book Club @ Main Library

Main Library 125 Morris Turnpike, Newton

Attention all tweens! Join us at the Main Library for a fun and relaxing time reading aloud together after school. Listen or take turns reading, it’s your choice! Registration is…


Lego After Dark @ Louise Childs

Louise Childs Branch 21 Stanhope Sparta Rd, Stanhope

Builders ages 13 and up are invited to let their imaginations run wild as they work alone, or with other builders, to build with the library’s extensive LEGO collection. All…


Bedtime Storytime @ Dorothy Henry

Dorothy Henry Branch 66 Route 94, Vernon

Join Miss Savannah at the Dorothy Henry Library on Tuesday evenings for a bedtime storytime! Bring your best teddy and comfiest jammies, if you feel like it or just come…

Poetry Reading & Open Mic @ Main Library

Main Library 125 Morris Turnpike, Newton

Local poets Morton Rich* and Kathleen Grimaldi** will present short readings. Afterward we invite you to share your own work. Register for reminders and updates in case something changes. Walk-ins…
