Tales on the Trails – Winter Discoveries
February 5 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Tales on the Trails – Winter Discoveries
Wednesday, February 5, 1:00pm -1:45pm (No Class in January)
Age: Preschool 3-5 year olds
Discover the wonders of winter with your little one at this month’s Tales on the Trails class. Book: Over and Under the Snow
This program begins in the gardens of Van Vleck with a story, then continues with a walk and concludes with a simple craft or activity. All programs focus on the theme listed. A parent or caregiver must accompany each child. Programs will be held outdoors, weather permitting.
Fee: $10/class per child for Members / $15/class per child for Non-members
Registration required HERE by 1 day prior to each class
Sponsored by The Albert Payson Terhune Foundation