With people spending up to 90% of their time indoors, having clean air inside the home is an absolute must – especially when it comes to children. There are health dangers associated with air pollution that put our kids especially at risk, and having clean air indoors can play a significant role in the development of your child. Whether you have a toddler or a preteen, knowing how the air in your home can affect them can allow you to stay aware of any health symptoms associated with signs of pollution.

The health dangers involved

While there are many health symptoms that can be caused by poor air quality, some of the most common include headaches, coughing and shortness of breath. However, it’s important to keep in mind that infections can also occur, especially when dealing with harmful substances like mold. On a larger scale, air pollution can actually limit lung growth in children. In fact, the Southern California Children’s Health study found that children who grew up in areas with more air pollution had an increased risk of reduced lung development. This proves just how detrimental poor air quality can be, especially when it comes to children.

Why children are especially at risk

While poor air quality can pose a threat to adults and children alike, children are especially at risk due to their lungs not being fully developed. This means that children breathe in air more quickly, thus taking in more pollutants than the average adult. Children also tend to have weaker immune systems than adults, meaning that their bodies are more susceptible to the adverse effects of poor air quality and have a harder time fighting off the symptoms. For that reason, it’s necessary to take every precaution possible to keep the air in your home clean and healthy.

What you can do

Luckily, there are several things you can do when it comes to preventing pollutants from entering your home. For example, one of the best things you can do is to avoid bringing habits such as smoking indoors, as the toxins can stick around in the home and affect the air quality. Another major thing you can do is to prevent mold growth indoors, which can easily be done with proper ventilation (like opening windows or using a home ventilation system). If you suspect that there may be mold growth in the home, it’s important to have it properly inspected to begin the process of removal as soon as possible. By doing so, you can remedy the situation and ensure your family isn’t breathing in harmful air.

Another thing you can do to improve indoor air quality is to avoid the use of harsh cleaning products, as chemical exposure can cause irritation. Instead, opting for natural cleaning products with a light scent can be a great alternative. Incorporating plants into your home decor can also do wonders to increase air quality inside, as they are said to remove pollutants naturally.

Due to the health risks that poor air quality can bring for children, it’s important that the air inside the home is as clean as possible. By ensuring proper ventilation throughout your home and avoiding mold and other pollutants, you can effectively boost the quality of the air in any space.

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